Pardon me while I become a gibbering fangirl.
Next Saturday! Alton Brown! At the Stanford Shopping Center! It’s part of the Simon Super Chefs tour! Oh my god, I’m SOOO there. Thank you, KCBS (my morning radio station), for having a commercial, or I never would have heard about it.
Copy from the website:
Simon Super Chefs Live! invites local food fans to a free day-long in-mall celebration of food, cooking, wine and shopping. Get up close and personal with some of today’s most popular TV Celebrity Chefs, including: Lidia Bastianich, Michelle Bernstein, Alton Brown, Mary Ann Esposito, Sara Moulton, Jacques Pepin, Martin Yan and more.
Eeee! It’s listed under San Francisco for some reason, but whatever. We get Alton! Whee! One grumble- the announcer on the radio spot pronounced Alton’s name wrong. It’s a hard “A,” people. I asked AB about that when he signed my book last year.
So who wants to come with me?