I don’t think sweetbreads are my thing. I went to Left Bank with my parents last night and decided to try them. They were… a little strange. The texture was kind of like scallops, strangely enough. The flavor was mild. They were served with mashed potatoes, which wasn’t a great idea, in my opinion. The textures were similar but just different enough to be really strange. Nevertheless, I’m glad I tried them.
I had some challah left over in the freezer, so I made French toast on Saturday. I froze most of it and have been eating it for breakfast. It’s tasty. I’m glad I had some real maple syrup! I bought it for the apple-rutabaga soup and haven’t used it since.
Yesterday was the Ghostwalk session of the D&D ‘minicon’ that my friends have been holding. I dusted off Mynnyd and brought him to the adventure. I nearly killed him straightaway- it was pretty funny. R☆ (and by extension, Cooper) was away at Stitches West, so Summer and Mynnyd were the only frontline fighters. Summer’s the awakened bear companion of the druid Berg. A marilith did about 100 points of damage in a round against both of us, plus constitution damage. (It took Mynnyd from 110 to 12 hit points!) Thankfully, we were both able to get healed so we could try to kill her again, but she teleported away, and we lost our chance. Oh, well. We were able to stop her evil plot, so all was well in the end. We’ll get her next time.