I’m Sarah. You may call me Hussy if you’d like. I live in Northern California. I have a music degree. I worked at a university. I make silly costumes.
My cast of characters includes:
Zed, my former roommate who moved to Amsterdam in 2011
R☆, my former roommate who moved out in 2009
Mom, my mother
Dad, my father
J, my brother
Barbara May, my sister-in-law
Kiddo and Lad, my nephews
Barbara Jo, my sister-in-law’s sister who makes ridiculous cakes and comes with me to Comic-Con each year
TeapotGirl, with whom I talk about comics and makeup and Issues a LOT
SK, the antisocial ladder, one of a trio of friends at work until she left in 2009
LM, snarky and fabulous, the second of the trio, who also left for grad school-ier climes
Joa, poet and happiness incarnate, the third of the trio, the only one left to keep me sane never mind, she left and then I finally left too!
Takarazuko, the cosplay group I’m a member of, consisting of:
Lydia, photographer extraordinaire
Umi, the world’s cutest bassist
The Corgi Sisters, an insanely talented pair of musician sisters who own a corgi
What in the hell are you talking about??