Seriously, what the hell is this? What an excellent use of your company’s email list! What a wonderful way to spread hate! Kudos to you, sir!
D&D tonight. Pan-roasted a chicken for dinner on Friday. Good, but nothing new.
Seriously, what the hell is this? What an excellent use of your company’s email list! What a wonderful way to spread hate! Kudos to you, sir!
D&D tonight. Pan-roasted a chicken for dinner on Friday. Good, but nothing new.
Last night I finally started setting up the kitchen a little bit. I unpacked my dishes, glasses, and favorite pots and pans (my awesome crepe/omelette pan, cast iron skillet and French oven, and a medium sized pot good for boiling one to two servings of pasta). I’m trying to go light on the pots and pans, because even though our kitchen is nice, we still don’t have a ton of space.
Which means that for the moment, the pantry is in the garage. I filled up a shelving unit with cans and the like. If there’s enough room in the kitchen once everything’s in place, I’ll move it indoors, but for now, well, at least it’s out of boxes.
My microwave is way too big for this house. That’s kind of okay, since I did get it for free. Zed’s is small, but it’s also old (ie. a rotary dial).
I haven’t found all my favorite cookbooks yet (so many, many boxes). I’m trying to cut down on the mount of space I’ll be monopolizing on the bookcases downstairs. It’s hard! I unpacked a bunch of books about food/cooking last night and am debating whether to bring them in or not.
Last night R☆ and I went out to collect restaurant hours for the new website. R☆ runs mv-hours (server currently down because of the move), which is a big listing of all the places in downtown Mountain View that have food. Now that we’ve moved to Cupertino, he’s started up cu-hours. There’s not much there yet. We still have a lot of data to collect. We haven’t found many non-chain restaurants yet, which is kind of sad.
Tomorrow, I’m going up to the city. There’s a nerd convention (otherwise known as Anime Overdose) and then dinner at Trader Vic’s with a bunch of friends.
Ysabel‘s in Wyoming. She’s got two or three days left. I’m super-glad my move only consisted of fifteen miles, not across the entire damn country.
Our house is super-awesome. Thanks so much to my family for helping me move. You guys are the greatest!
The kitchen isn’t set up yet, so it’ll be a little longer before I start cooking again.
Ew, this is disgusting. I expect better from Niman Ranch. Maybe I’ll rethink buying their bacon. Anyway, I’ll stick to Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, thank you very much. I hope Matt sues- you know, since he’s a lawyer and all.
I really should be packing.
Okay, so it looks like my posting hiatus may extend until August. I’m sorry. I’m interning for a intensive publishing course until the 22nd, and that’ll be sapping a lot of my evenings as well as my days. Then, I have to get my stuff ready to move! If all goes as planned (ie. nothing has changed since we discussed this last night), I’ll be moving in with the boys at the end of the month. Look out, Cupertino.
I saw the new Pirates movie last night. It managed to both suck and blow. I was disappointed. On the other hand, a super wet carnitas burrito at Taqueria Los Charros in Mountain View? Quite awesome.
Well, I have returned from the hell that is Anaheim and the fun that is Anime Expo. Stepping out of the car last night in Pleasanton was wonderful. It was chilly and dry. Anaheim was hot and muggy. Mm, northern California.
Ryan found an article about AX featuring a picture of our Katamari-ness from last year. Check it out. Even better is his reaction to it here.
Man, I am looking forward to this vacation! I am also looking forward to getting back from this vacation so I can get my life back to normal again.
We got a new vending machine at work. The old company had just raised their prices, and it pissed my boss off, so he switched to another company. Now everything’s like fifteen to thirty-five cents cheaper. It’s a good thing. I bought some Knott’s Berry Farm Raspberry Shortbread cookies to celebrate. Yum.
In real news, my job is being converted from a fixed-term position to a permanent one. Wahoo!
Before leaving for the hell that is Los Angeles tomorrow night, I’m spending the day with my parents, aw. We’re going to play tennis! I am going to suck at it! But it will be super-fun anyway. Then, while I do laundry and sleep, my parents are going to watch Wimbledon. Because the ‘rents do love the tennis.
Dear Asshole,
Thanks for tonight! How did you know that I was hoping someone would come by and break my driver’s side mirror off? SO THOUGHTFUL OF YOU. Especially without leaving your information- it’s like I have a secret admirer!
Plz die k thnx.
I’m looking for a new place to live. Yes, I just moved into my apartment a year ago, but I’m ready to move on- and live with other people! Shocking, I know. I’ve joined up with R☆, Jer, and Zed, and we’re looking for a four-bedroom house in Mountain View and its surrounding areas.
We (and by “we,” I mean, “not me”) decided against a beautiful townhouse in Sunnyvale because it wasn’t within walking distance to things. Well, that wasn’t the only reason. Two of us would have lived in palatial suites, and the other two would have lived in tinytiny rooms. So we’re looking for a 4/3 that’s within walking distance to things and doesn’t have an unreasonable size difference between rooms. I sort of wonder if we’ll find anything that’ll fit those requirements.
I’m killing a jade plant at work. Also, I have discovered that if I wait until the second ring to pick the phone up, I miss a lot of calls from auto-dialers. Which means I don’t have to explain to them that no, I am not transferring your call to our director. He’s busy. You are unimportant. Shut up.
Last night, for the first time ever, I ordered a pizza for dinner. Well, that’s not entirely true. I made the call once when we were at D&D. But I have never had a pizza delivered to just me. It’s a new world of laziness.
I ate two pieces and the free salad (Greek) that came with it. The rest is in my fridge. It’s pretty awesome. Although if I do this again, I will have to specify that when I say I want a pesto pizza, that means I want pesto only and no tomato sauce on my crust.