Yes, I know I haven’t been posting. I just haven’t been cooking. I’ve been eating rather atrociously. June is a busy month! I’m all… having a life and stuff.

I guess I could post that jambalaya recipe, but it was mainly Jon making that. Not sure if I can count that.

Woohoo, new Katamari shoot with Lionel! Check it out!

Click on the picture to see more from our photoshoot. That’s me as Honey, Lydia as the Prince, and Amber-Dawn in my Kuro costume from last year.

Much thanks and love to our photographer Lionel, to my two cousins, and to Sara for making the dress for me.

Oh, Honey.

The face is actually blank at the moment. I need to paint it tonight. Right now, that’s Kuro’s face pasted on via the magic of Paint Shop Pro (although it’s very sloppy shopping, which is why it’s a little skewed). The antenna is not attached so that transport will be easier. Well, “easier.”

Reference pic, for those of you who don’t have the Katamari characters BURNED INTO YOUR MIND.

Yes, my head is too wide and not tall enough in comparison. Oh well. I am so friggin’ tired of this costume. Ah, cosplay. Ah, humanity.

I attached the other lobe of Honey’s head last night. I stepped back and realized, “My god, this thing is HUGE.” End to end, I think her head’s about 45″ long. Eep. The Prince and Kuro’s heads are only around three feet long.

And the only things keeping those lobes on are hope, will, and far too much Goop. I tried carpet tape- it peeled off. I tried a quilting gun- it broke (thank heavens it had a warranty). I hope the head stays together long enough to get a few good pictures.

I burnt my left middle finger making cookies last night. And I have a lovely bruise on my shoulder from the tetanus shot.

I’m having lunch with Mom and Jon today, yay! And there’s D&D tonight.

Chocolate Oat Bars

(Joy of Cooking)

1 cup + 2 Tbsp butter
2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp + 1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp table salt
3 cups rolled oats
2 cups (12 oz.) semisweet chocolate pieces
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)

Heat the oven to 350. Cream 1 cup butter and brown sugar. Beat in eggs and 2 teaspoons vanilla. In another bowl, sift flour, baking soda, and salt and stir in rolled oats.

Over low heat, combine chocolate pieces, condensed milk, 2 tablespoons butter, and salt. Stir chocolate mixture until smooth, then add nuts and 1 teaspoon vanilla.

Combine egg and flour mixtures and press about two-thirds of it into a 10″ x 15″ jelly roll pan. Pour chocolate mixture over the batter, then dot the top with the remaining batter. Bake for about 25 minutes. When cool, cut into 1″ x 2″ bars.

Before my mom reads this: I’M FINE.

Last night I’m going over to R☆’s house to watch some more classic Doctor Who. I’m walking down the stairs, and there’s this woman standing next to a cat. The cat, I recognize. I used to see it all the time in my old building (two doors down). I nicknamed it Thumbs because it had extra toes. I had been friendly enough with this cat in the past to have read its tag like a year and a half ago. I think its name was Paco. Or Peso. Four letters, starting with P, ending in O. I liked Thumbs better. Anyway, I’m walking down and this woman asks me if I know the cat. Yep. Do you know whose cat it is? No, but I know it has a tag. I reach down to look at the tag. I figure the cat knows me, this’ll be fine.


The cat flips out, scratching and biting me. Broke the skin a few times, bit of bleeding. I run back up to my apartment to wash it off and apply some antibacterial goop. The woman is one of my neighbors, and she was attacked by the cat when she was doing laundry earlier this week. Without provocation. I mean, I was kind of asking for it, but she wasn’t. Her doctor wanted her to get a rabies shot. So now I’m freaking out, because hey, I watch the medical mystery shows.

I went to Kaiser this morning. (My copay now is $20 for appointments. Ugh. I remember when it was $5.) They look at it, wrap it up in a gigantic dressing and prescribe me some horse-pill-sized antibiotics. Oh, and give me a tetanus shot, because I’m four years overdue for a booster. They tell me to stay home the rest of the day with my arm elevated. I asked about the rabies, and the doctor said, “Maybe if we lived in Cambodia,” ie., don’t worry about it.

FUN TIMES. I need to call the Humane Society.

I think I should have time next week to whip up some goodies for Fanime. I’m just thinking basics like cookies (chocolate chip and oatmeal cherry [I have cherries, I don’t have raisins]) and maybe that multigrain bread that I liked so much.

For some reason, searching “braisin whatever” on Google no longer works. I used to use that search all the time to find my recipes. Like “braisin tiramisu” doesn’t give me hits on this site anymore. Argh.

In other news, I continue to suck mightily at omelettes. I don’t know why I keep trying. I don’t even like them that much. Scrambles for the win!

I had a lovely brunch with my parents for Mother’s Day. I brought over strata, tiramisu, and a loaf of Semifreddi’s challah. All very tasty. I was going to make English muffins (there was a recipe for them in the San Jose Mercury News last week), but I ran out of time. I still want to make them, though. I think they’d be super-tasty.

Hagen-Daaz has debuted their Mayan Chocolate ice cream. Rosy got some and was letting us all try it. It has cinnamon-chocolatey goodness, but it lacks cayenne.

D&D this week was wrapping up the end of the adventure, so not much happened there. Kaya is now the owner of a lovely mithril chain shirt. We got Effvar resurrected instead of having R☆ roll up yet another character. Effvar, previously a halfling, came back as an elf.

I had to buy gas five days shy of one month. Still, I think I did a pretty good job. Let’s keep up with that, self. The whole train and walking thing is good for you.

My hair is now long enough to pull back into a stubby nape ponytail (three to four inches, I would say). Hurrah for hair of one length!

I have a new recipe (Chocolate Oat bars), but I’m holding off on posting it for a while. There’s probably going to be a dry spell coming up (er, a drier spell, I should say), and I’ll need to spread out my postings of consequence a bit.

Mother’s Day is this weekend. I’m making brunch on Sunday. Exciting stuff! I’m not going to say what I’m making, because it’s a surprise. Unless my dad told my mom, in which case it’s not.

Curried Chicken Salad

2 bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts
1 Tbsp vegetable oil

4 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp curry powder
1 Tbsp honey
Pinch cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper, to taste

Heat oven to 400. Brush chicken breasts with oil and sprinkle generously with salt. Roast chicken on a rimmed baking sheet for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool to room temperature, remove skin and bones, and shred into bite-sized pieces.

Mix chicken together with second batch of ingredients. Serve.