So R☆’s character died. He was rent by a troll. That’s the second one of his that has died in this campaign. His new character will be called Guy de Trois.

Snickerdoodle Cookies

2 1/4 cup AP flour
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp table salt
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
3 Tbsp sugar

Adjust oven racks to upper- and lower-middle positions and heat oven to 400. Line cookie sheets with parchment.

Whisk flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, and salt together in a medium bowl. In a stand mixer (or with a hand mixer), cream together the butter and 1 1/2 cup sugar. Add the eggs, and beat until combined. Add the dry ingredients and beat until just combined.

Mix the cinnamon and 3 tablespoons sugar in a shallow bowl. Using 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of dough at a time, roll dough into a ball, then coat in the cinnamon-sugar. Place well-spaced on the cookie sheets (at least 3 inches apart, they spread quite a bit).

Bake for 9 to 11 minutes, rotating top to bottom and back to front halfway through. Cool on cookie sheet for 2 minutes, then move to a rack to finish cooling.

Yield: about 30 cookies.

Ha HA! The ANTM spoiler I read was wrong! Furonda stayed! Man, I was so surprised when they sent Nnenna home. It’s not like Nnenna really needs this competition, anyway. Now that she’s gotten some exposure through the show, I’m sure she’ll get signed quickly. Ee, I’m so happy Furonda didn’t get cut.

(Yes, I dork out over America’s Next Top Model. What?)

So, tonight at D&D was very exciting. My character almost died.Zed ‘s character (our wizard) almost died. We ran away from that battle! However, although we didn’t earn any experience at all, we did get a bunch of money. I hope Kaya lives long enough to collect her mithril chain shirt. (Well, actually, R☆’s first character, Hitch, put in the order, but then he got all dead and stuff.)

I’ve been trying not to use my car this week. I think I’ll be able to make it to Saturday, but then I’m going over to Barbara May’s to hang out with her, Sara, and Kiddo, and I’m toting my unfinished Katamari costume pieces. Hopefully I’ll get Honey finished in a positive direction.

I got contacted by the guy setting up the Katamari Bay to Breakers. Man, I bet that’d be crazy, and possibly very fun. But even if I switched out my red shoes for comfortable black walking shoes (they’d at least go with the overall color scheme), I just don’t think I could last with that head weighing me down (not to mention that with the face plate up, the heads look less good, and I’d have to have it up to see where I was going). Posing for pictures and walking around conventions is much easier. Imagine that!

Bravo, Kashi!

I came home from work today to find a bag on my apartment door from the good cereal-makers at Kashi. “Ooh, free sample!” I thought.

I picked up the bag. It was much heavier than I expected. I got inside and opened it up. Not only was there a generous sample of GoLean Crunch, there was an eight ounce shelf-stable container of Silk Soymilk. That’s awesome.


Holy crap, dude. Don’t DO that. I’m so damn pissed, you have no idea. Ugh!

No one died last night. We came across a ton of treasure. I’d elaborate more, but I’m too mad at the insensitive poster over on the Television Without Pity ANTM forums.

Sara and I are so talented that we can get negative work done on a costume. Honey is less finished today than she was before the weekend. Stupid Joanne Fabric and their discontinuing of dark magenta flannel.

I drove up to the city yesterday for the Cherry Blossom Festival. The weather was abysmal on the way up, but once I got there, it cleared up (mostly) and was fairly pleasant. I even got a bit of a sunburn on my nose.

I am not sure when I’m going to be cooking. I think tonight I might go out with the Mountain View-ers, tomorrow night is our very late seder, Wednesday’s D&D… maybe Thursday. I should defrost my last chicken.

Wow. We have lost two party members in two weeks. Last week our halfling cleric, Tibbet, was killed by an ogre. This week, our bard/warmage Hitch was killed by a howler, a kind of spiked demon dog. We also left Hitch’s body behind as we ran the hell away. Bad comrades! Kaya’s character has been moving from “foolhardy” to “paranoid” and now to “COWARD.”

(I sort of think our party name should be The Quick and the Dead. Of course, that probably wouldn’t inspire confidence in anyone who was looking for an adventuring party.)

I made this multigrain bread on Sunday. It’s really quite tasty. I used a mixture of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds (because strangely enough, I had pepitas in my freezer). I need to mix together some honey butter. I think that’d taste fabulous on this.